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- Announcing The Sawtelle Run Club Newsletter!
Announcing The Sawtelle Run Club Newsletter!
Now launched!
Welcome to the first addition of the Sawtelle Run Club Updates! We’re trying out different ways to keep our community members informed. That being said let’s get into what we plan to do with our updates.
We’ll be sending out a weekly update on Wednesdays information for the following Thursday and Sunday runs. If we have special events or changes to our weekly scheduled programming, expect a separate email. Otherwise, we’ll be keeping things simple with a single weekly update.
What To Expect
We’ll have a few sections in our newsletter, with some present as we have things to share and others being the core info we’ll be sharing
Routes for Thursday and Sunday runs will be shared in our weekly email so you have those ahead of time before our run. Meetup location will always be Stoner Park on the corner of Stoner and Missouri unless you see a separate email stating otherwise.
We we have running resources, we’ll be sharing them here with our community. This will be open to anything about general running education. We may not always have something to share here but you can always find past additions in the updates archives
We’ve got plenty of memes to keep everyone entertained and maybe even get some inside jokes going in the community so be on the lookout for those as well.
We’ll be sharing playlists with the community to enjoy during or even outside of our runs. If you’ve got any good playlists you want to share, shoot us an email with your song recommendations or playlist links. We’d love to know what our community members are listening to!
Member Spotlights
We want to highlight our members that are most active with a chance to share more about themselves with the community and even promote something to the community. If you’re interested in sharing about yourself with the community, shoot us an email!
Our first real update will be sent out tomorrow so be on the lookout for this weeks routes, some funny memes and member spotlights for our community coordinators!